
I would like to express my gratitude to everybody who helped me create the Virtual Museum of the History of Jews in Białowieża:

Above all, I'd like to thank the descendants of the Białowieża Jews that shared the stories of their families, along with the pictures, letters and documents:

 Descendants of Halperins: Dvora Lev Tov, Tamara Paz, Tatiana Malitz, Mila Malitz, Yael Peer and Vered Peer

 Descendants of Feldbaums: Martin Zafman, David Feldman

 Descendants of Lerendkinds: Amir Berger

 The Holocaust Survivor – David Waldshan

 The citizens of Białowieża who shared their memories: Zinaida Buszko, Włodzimierz Dackiewicz, Aleksy Dackiewicz, Jerzy Ławrysz, Borys Russko, the late Borysław Rychter, Jan Sawicki, Sławomir Szpakowicz, and the younger generation which shared the memories of their parents and grandparents: Olga Dworakowska, Anna Komarewska, and the late Jan Gwaj, who shared the first Jewish memory of Białowieża with us ten years ago, asking us to research this topic.

 Thank you to Piotr Bajko, the chronicler of Białowieża's history, who was the first one to collect the Jewish stories many years ago, and directed me to many valuable witnesses for my interviews.

 Thank you to other people from the region who shared their knowledge, materials and tips: Tomasz Wiśniewski, whose book "Bożnice Białostocczyzny" (the Synagogues of Białostocczyzna) is as of yet the most complete published description of the history of Jews in Białowieża; Artur Cyruk, the author of the information about Białowieża on the Virtual Shtetl website, Katarzyna Bielawska, collector of stories about Jews in Narewka, Czesław Okołów, Ewa Moroz-Keczyńska, Łukasz Ławrysz, Wojciech Sobociński, Ireneusz Ruczyński;

Thank you to everyone who translated the texts, letters and documents from Russian, Hebrew and Yiddish, and helped me search for materials and people: Siergiej Pivovarczyk, Katarzyna Czarnecka, Marek Tuszewicki, Matan Szefii, Olga Marakowa, Aleksander Smalianczuk, Jan Łobudziński, Angelina Masalska and AlinaWawrzeniuk;

 Thank you to Brian Marcus, thanks to whom I found David Waldshan;

 And thank you to Jacek Kuroń Educational Foundation and to the Białowieża Cultural Centre for the financial and organisational support of the ceremony of the Opening of the Museum.